Spousal Sponsorship
Does any of your family members want to immigrate to Canada? Canada offers various immigration programs to Canadians to sponsor their family members to Canada.
Sponsoring your Spouse
Spousal sponsorship is a Canadian Immigration Program in which Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents can sponsor their spouses to Canada. In other words, if you are married to a Canadian citizen or Permanent resident, he or she can sponsor your application for permanent resident in Canada.
How Long Does it Take to Sponsor your Spouse in Canada?
A sponsorship application takes a minimum of 12 months to process from start to finish. However, in certain cases, the processing of an application can take longer. The legal professionals at Capilano can help in better processing of spousal sponsorship applications.
Sponsorship Requirements You need to fulfill:
As per the rules, you are eligible to sponsor your spouse if you are a Canadian citizen or meet the below-mentioned requirements:
Spousal applications are of two types
Inside Canada spousal Sponsorship
Available to applicants who are already in Canada as a temporary resident. This application enables the sponsored spouse to obtain a work permit within 4 months of the application.
Outside Canada spousal Sponsorship
Comes with a huge advantage in that it allows the sponsor to appeal the case to authorities on behalf of his spouse in case of a rejection.
At Capilano, our team of licensed immigration consultants guide you choose the most suitable pathway towards sponsorship applications.